Happy New Year everyone!!
The 2023-2024 LA/MS bi-state meeting is scheduled for March 25-27, 2024! Please read further for more information such as links for registering, hotels near the area, and registration fees.
There will be a vendor expo, career fair, opportunities for continuing education, and the Student Bowl competition!
The meeting will be held at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Resort Management Center located in Biloxi, MS. Below you will find location information and links to register for the event, or if you would like to participate in the career fair, that link is also provided below. Included in the $300 career fair registration fee is a display table, 2 chairs, and listing in the event program. The deadline for the career fair registration is Monday, February 26th and it is first come, first served!
The vendor/exhibitor fair will take place March 26-27th. If you would like to showcase your company to the participants please see the attached link below. For a single booth, the fee is $500. For a double booth, the fee is $800.
Address: 420 Debuys Road, Biloxi, MS 39531
The link to register for event: https://ezregister.com/events/39782/
The link to register for career fair: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=vqQ9fyInLkO_p2QIDR6x3KE-dIn6ZoZPnQytJZg5XstUODRUNjdGNFVLM05aTUpLWFpETUEyS0FDWS4u
Link for vendor expo: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=6XWFp9IfsUaqzpKjNrAYtCeenj0MLpdOiKidkJQbtH1UNlNBQzZXNk1PTExZT01OM0RQODVCWFBBOS4u
Registration fees: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58051fe11b631be8088253b5/t/659598bb2e70873be639a55f/1704302779535/2024+Bistate+Meeting+Registration+Fees.pdf
Hotels near the area:
We can't wait to see everyone at the bi-state meeting!
As always, if you would like to join ASCLS, please click the link below to learn more. It is a great opportunity to network and become more involved in our field!